• What does an assessment involve?

    An assessment begins with an initial discussion with the child and parents, or adult alone. The goal of this session is to investigate your request, needs and expectations as well as obtain information regarding development and life history. I will also often ask you, your child (depending on age/reading capacities), and sometimes a teacher, to fill-in some questionnaires to gain further details.

    Tests generally take place over one to three sessions of 1-2 hours in length, depending on assessment request, age and individual work speed. The tests are then scored, analysed and cross-referenced with background, developmental information and questionnaire responses in order to respond to initial assessment queries.

    The final session is dedicated to explaining the results, discuss conclusions and when necessary, provide recommendations. Following this, a report (brief or detailed according to your needs) will be sent to you, along with test scores.

    You will also have the possibility of requesting that the assessment conclusions are sent to a third party, such as the school, paediatrician or a support specialist. I am also available to attend IEP meetings in school if necessary.

  • What should I tell my child prior to assessment ?

    Each situation is unique : some children are more anxious than others, some may openly ask for help whilst others may be very reluctant. However, children are often aware to some extent, of the reasons that made their parents think of consulting a psychologist.

    It may be that your child has persistently complained of difficulties learning, of being bored at school, of conflicts between parents and child, of difficulties making friends, bullying or a difficult family situation such as illness, death or divorce.

    As a parent, you can explain to your child that you would like to help him/her by going together to see a person that is experienced in providing support to children in similar situations. You may also explain that I will ask questions and do various activities with him/her in order to find out what’s best for their situation.

    It is best not to talk of tests as this may worry some children excessively. In my experience, most children respond well to counselling and assessments and often, depending on age, will have their own personal expectations regarding the outcomes.

  • Can I stay with my child during testing ?

    In general, the child is alone with me during testing and I will endeavour to make him/her at ease beforehand and during the initial discussion with parent(s). However, parents are welcome to remain in the adjoining waiting room throughout the consultation.
  • Should I bring anything to the first consultation ?

    Children and adolescents: please bring (or email) their school grades or agenda (if in CH school).

    Adults: Please email me your brief CV beforehand, if available.

    If other assessments have been done in the past, please email (or bring) a copy of the reports e.g. psychological, speech and language, occupational therapy, medical, prior to your first consultation.

  • How much do consultations/assessments cost ?

    A consultation costs 160.- / hour. The cost of an assessment varies according to your needs (number of sessions needed for testing, complexity of individual situations). Please feel free to ask for an estimation prior to your first appointment.
  • Can I be reimbursed by my health insurance company ?

    Consultations and psychological assessments are not currently covered by the LAMAL in Switzerland, and consequently are not reimbursed by your base insurance. However, some complimentary health insurance policies do partially reimburse, depending on your coverage.

    I advise you to personally obtain further information from your insurance company, by email, as the extent of coverage can vary significantly. You will also find some details in your policy under the non-medical psychotherapists and independent psychologists section.

    It is important to specify to your advisor that I am an FSP psychologist, but not a psychotherapist, to avoid any confusion. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.


  • What are my patients’ rights?

    Please find further information regarding your rights as a patient on the Swiss Federation of Psychologists website: www.psychologie.ch
  • Making an appointment

    I prefer to be contacted by email for all appointment requests and follow-ups.
    Please send me your full details and date of birth as well as some details regarding your needs (e.g. assessment/consultation/ coaching) when you first contact me.


Ask me / Make an appointment

Your Name

Your Email

Your question